Be Wide-Hearted

Angel Ariel channeled through Adria Estribou


The misunderstanding here is that you have to do something to deserve before you can receive it. Does the flower think that about the rain? "What did I do to deserve this gift of rain?" Does the crown of the tree feel that about the sunshine? Or do they bask and take it. Drink it in. You could be a little bit more like that flower and that tree and drink in the love that is here for you right now.

There's that very human feeling that when something comes along—circumstance or a person looking straight at you and saying here it is: "I love you." Or here it is: the wish that you wanted to receive. Some very human part of you wants to say "what did I do to deserve that?"

But when you're holding a baby in your arms—either yours or someone else's or looking at a photo of a young child—it doesn't occur to you to think that that child needs to deserve the love you have there. You could be a little more like that. Just soaking in the love that is there. Just because it is so nourishing. Just because it is so light and lovely and because it is there and you enjoy it.

So unlike a seesaw, receiving love does not come with a long list of conditions. If you received two ounces of love you have to bounce back and spit out two ounces of love or life is not in balance. The little flower knows how to receive however much rain it can hold and the crown of the tree knows how to absorb many days of sunshine without getting burned. The crown of the tree has no shade, right? But it doesn't complain about the amount of light, the amount of love it can receive.

You could be a little more like that. Even if you know you love love, be as open and innocent, wide-hearted like that. Many speak about being open-minded. What about being wide-hearted? Rght now in this context it is not about having compassion for every other being. What about opening to all the love that's there for you?

What about when you went out to the grocery store instead of putting on your armor, you went out with that wide heart that says for love (not for every quality maybe of every thought and nuance of life but for love...) I'm wide open to receive—some kind words, a smile, a vibration of someone who's so happy about something happening in their life and I can just feel that as I walk down the aisle of the store . . . What if you experimented with that? Today or when you next go to the store. Playfully, like many things that we offer to you, playfully try it out. If you don't like it, don't use it. Wide-hearted could be very, very helpful in these times.

Excerpt from Angel Playshop: Let Love In.


Be in the Center with Life


The Moment Has Arrived