Your “New Human” Gifts

Angel Raphael channeled through Adria Estribou


This is Angel Raphael. It's a glorious moment of alive. Many of you are beginning to feel, in palpable ways, what it means to be so-called "new human." It's not that you are genetically manufactured or something implanted or something "off." By new human, we mean the evolution of species which many have spoken of, where essentially you are upgraded to new potentials for this new earth.

Awakeness in many is beginning to take shape in the form of your outer world—what's happening in your life, in other words--and also the physical realm. So when things in your physical self--your world and your physical being, fingers and toes and heart organ and so on—start to shift and wake up in such profound ways, sometimes there are waking pains. Let's call it that.

Sometimes when babies cry, it is because they don't yet know cause and effect: well, they've activated this muscle to hold their leg in the air, or something like this, and then it hurts because they've held it in the air so long. And they cry from the pain, but they don't really understand what they're feeling, or that they in fact, are the cause.

For some of you, these abilities are coming online in ways that you're maybe not even quite aware of. So like with the baby holding your legs in the air, you may be, in fact, expending quite a lot of energy towards new gifts without awareness, and then fatigue comes or grumpiness comes because you feel this sense of overextend.

So if any of you are feeling right now: "yes, I can relate to this feeling. Perhaps I'm overextended, but I don't quite know why I feel this way." We would suggest at night and in the morning are natural times (but you could do this during the day as well), to consciously with intent, perhaps turn on and then off your abilities—your sight, your sound, your senses in other ways. Turning on and feel what that feels like. Just through your intent.

And turning off and feeling if that's a relief. Try to experiment, just through intent, of pulling things in a little bit. "Okay, I don't yet know how this works. In fact, I might not yet know exactly what these new gifts or ways of perceiving are." We use the word gifts because commonly people talk about psychic ability or healing arts as gifts. So that's what we mean by gift, not that you're singled out necessarily with a gift from a certain being, but that you have these innate skills and talents that might be new.

Learning about them, one way is to try on switch and off switch. So start there, even if you're not really aware: "I'm not sure I am sensing anything differently." Well, let's say in a morning meditation you were to experiment with. "All right, let's just turn off the new gifts and new ways of perceiving." Feel what that feels like for an hour, a few minutes. Do you feel rested? Do you feel blind all of a sudden? And then in the same meditation: "All right, let's turn it on." And what changed?

This is another way, also, of tuning into what are the new perceptive abilities that are coming online for you? So to speak, "online." Again, you are not a computer, but the analogy works. That are powered on now.

So give yourself time. Like the baby learning about legs and feet, could take a little while, but you have everything in you for these gifts. It's not that you have to go seek masters or tutorials or naming conventions to know what it is. It's just the practice. That's how babies learn, right? They practice. And they get it wrong many times. They fall down many times. Yes, they have help. They have examples in the world. And you will have those as well. But use yourself as well.

So try this "on" and "off." One, to learn how to give yourself rest from constantly using your new gifts. And second, to learn what those gifts are.

Our blessings, angelic blessings to each of you, as you explore. That you have the patience and kindness with yourself. Be patient, be kind. You are a reflection of your universe, and your universe is in a wondrous moment of change. So can you witness, live through, be with, without needing to know everything all at one time point. But understand from here things are more magical, more nuanced, more alive. And you are part of that awakening.

Watch the full Angel Update from July 20, 2024:


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