Out of the Stencil into Freedom
Angel Ariel channeled through Adria Estribou
This is Ariel, Angel Ariel. When you speak about programs about: “Why do you exist as a human being?” from our perspective, angelic perspective, this should be a wide open slate, right? Why you exist as a human being should be up to you individually and you collectively to decide at any given moment. To change, to ebb, to flow into like a beautiful, unimpeded grace of light. Light can go anywhere and be any shape, be any purpose really. So what has been added are these stencils—let's say metaphorically, but this is quite close to the truth—stencils through which your light has been shining. So for human existence, that means that your light, which could flow into any shape has been tunneled through or forced through certain shapes.
When we're talking about moving out of stenciling into freedom, what you're facing here is
unprecedented change. And we said this in 2019. When we say it now, we mean it's even another level of unprecedented. We would say "hold on," but we want to say to you is: "Let go. Really let go."
This year, drop all expectations of yourself—what your life looks like, what you look like. The more you can do this—the more you can drop the stencil and not keep recreating it even after it's been decimated around you—the more you can be the light that you are without impediment.
To give a vantage point in terms of time, or linear progress—which is sometimes true, depending on your vantage point here—the stencils are about half decimated here. So if you're feeling like you can hold on to about half the semblance of who you think you are and what your life is supposed to be, that's about right. You're perceiving it as we do here.
So it's going to get better and worse, both. And they're the same thing. Because to remove the rest of the stencil here means you come out of any kind of reference point of what you thought we were striving for. But also it means you come out of limitation entirely. And then the job is up to you to come out of the habit of recreating the limitation.