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Angel Insights for Unprecedented Times: Channeled Messages from Angels Raphael and Ariel

New Earth Series Book 1

Adria Estribou

264 pages

March 2024

Paperback ISBN: 978-0-9971211-7-9 Retail $13.33  Wholesale $7.99

Hardcover ISBN: 978-0-9971211-8-6 Retail $25.99  Wholesale $15.59

Released March 8, 2024, Angel Insights for Unprecedented Times is an Amazon International Best Seller in the US, UK and Canada. To date it has made the top 10 in all three countries.

You are unlimited! Create the world your heart wants.

The New Age is a time of embodied change, dimensional shifts, new freedoms and greater light. It is the end of contracts and destiny.

 Angels Raphael and Ariel speak through Sedona conscious channel Adria Estribou about this unprecedented time of change for humankind.

Now, more than ever, it is important for us to know what the angels have to teach about our freedom, and our right and ability to create the life we want.

If you are ready for personal transformation, and to see your dreams come true, this is the book for you.

Slip through the Keyhole

Adria Estribou

154 pages

February 2016

Paperback ISBN:  978-0-9971211-0-0 Retail $16.95  Wholesale $10.17

Poetry drunk on the Divine. In the tradition of mystic poets—Rumi, Mirabai, Tagore, Kabir, Hafiz—who sang of their longing for union with the Beloved, and the ecstasy of the lovers’ dance.

About the Author

Adria Estribou is a joyful mystic who helps you consciously create the life you choose. Along with the angels she channels, she gives you tools to thrive in the New Earth energies. Adria is a conscious channel, sound healer, animal communicator, intuitive guide, and bestselling author.

Author Appearances

Adria is available for angel channeling for groups, book signings and workshops. Please inquire at or (928) 487-5500.