Angel Playshop: Restructuring Your Universe


What to do when structure has been dismantled and creative impulses are there with no scaffolding or bricks and mortar.

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What to do when structure has been dismantled and creative impulses are there with no scaffolding or bricks and mortar.

What to do when structure has been dismantled and creative impulses are there with no scaffolding or bricks and mortar.

Central theme: creating in a time when structure is dismantled

“Very, very important not to think that in order to create, I need the same structural tools that I used to use. Using the analogy of a building, if you have always used bricks and mortar and scaffolding, and suddenly, two out of the three of those no longer exist. The linear mind might say, “well, I can't then. If I don't have mortar, or I don't have bricks and scaffolding, and all I have is mortar, I can't create a structure.” Or “I can't create anymore.” And there is the lie that a creation needs to be structural. - Angel Ariel