July 27, 2019
Live group channeling session with Angels Ariel and Raphael speaking through Adria Estribou.
Topics included: old hierarchies, old structures; “round table” shared leadership; enlightenment from within (vs set outward pathways); new freedom; physical shift to fifth dimension and higher; following your own knowing; attraction towards enlightenment; unprecedented freedom in identity, wealth, career, family; end of contracts; renegotiating marriage and family contracts; history of subjugation and battle towards freedom; disorientation of freedom; beneficial beings; lost sense of purpose; identity of a warrior in a time of freedom; daydreaming your new reality; brain fog and physical symptoms; physical adaptations to 5D; recognizing 3D and 5D; re-writing your story; angel communication and angel numbers; humanity coming into sovereignty
1 hour 22 minutes
July 27, 2019
Live group channeling session with Angels Ariel and Raphael speaking through Adria Estribou.
Topics included: old hierarchies, old structures; “round table” shared leadership; enlightenment from within (vs set outward pathways); new freedom; physical shift to fifth dimension and higher; following your own knowing; attraction towards enlightenment; unprecedented freedom in identity, wealth, career, family; end of contracts; renegotiating marriage and family contracts; history of subjugation and battle towards freedom; disorientation of freedom; beneficial beings; lost sense of purpose; identity of a warrior in a time of freedom; daydreaming your new reality; brain fog and physical symptoms; physical adaptations to 5D; recognizing 3D and 5D; re-writing your story; angel communication and angel numbers; humanity coming into sovereignty
1 hour 22 minutes
July 27, 2019
Live group channeling session with Angels Ariel and Raphael speaking through Adria Estribou.
Topics included: old hierarchies, old structures; “round table” shared leadership; enlightenment from within (vs set outward pathways); new freedom; physical shift to fifth dimension and higher; following your own knowing; attraction towards enlightenment; unprecedented freedom in identity, wealth, career, family; end of contracts; renegotiating marriage and family contracts; history of subjugation and battle towards freedom; disorientation of freedom; beneficial beings; lost sense of purpose; identity of a warrior in a time of freedom; daydreaming your new reality; brain fog and physical symptoms; physical adaptations to 5D; recognizing 3D and 5D; re-writing your story; angel communication and angel numbers; humanity coming into sovereignty
1 hour 22 minutes
July 27, 2019